Resilient Career Program

Your employer controls your job security. You control your Career Resilience.

Improve your Career Resilience in just 8 weeks.

What’s on your mind?

  • Layoffs? Hiring freezes? The job market?

  • The economy and the possible recession?

  • Company takeovers by evil corporate overlords?

  • Mergers and acquisitions that make your role redundant?

  • Loss of motivation, and realizing you no longer (or never did) love your job?

When it comes to your job, there is a lot you might be worried about right now.

Worrying isn’t getting you anywhere. Do something about it.

Join the Resilient Career Program to take back control of your career and make it more resilient.

Career Resilience

Career Resilience is being confident that you can and will adapt to any job-related circumstances that come your way.

  • Prevent job loss by ensuring leadership understands how much value you create.

  • Assess your current situation to be aware of the risks and options in advance.

  • Mitigate the impact of losing your job, from financial runway, to immigration status, health coverage, and emotional wellbeing.

  • Always be prepared for a job search, even when you’re not actively seeking a new job.

  • Practice effective career habits by continuously documenting each of your wins and accomplishments as they happen, keeping in touch with your connections, and navigating your career path with intention.

    Schedule a free consultation to learn how to improve your Career Resilience.

Overview of the Resilient Career Program

Session 1: Assess

Learn the warning signs that your company might be considering a layoff.

Determine where you stand with your current employer.

Understand your potential personal, financial, and professional impact of sudden job loss.

Session 2: Prevent, Mitigate, and Plan

Manage up to ensure the value you provide to your employer is well known.

Decide exactly what you want in your next role. Define your dream job.

Address knowledge and experience gaps for both your current and target roles.

Session 3: Prepare

Update your resume with your target role in mind.

Reconnect with friends and colleagues who will help you land your target role.

Practice for interviews long before you begin to actively search.

Session 4: Repeat

Build lifelong career habits so that you are always prepared for a job search.

Maintain your resume. Nurture your network. Keep your interview skills sharp.

Turn “I really should…” into “I always do...”

Interested in the Resilient Career Program?

Book a free consultation to learn how I can help you improve your career resilience.