Job Search Program

Find your dream job, land it, and love it.

Ready for your next big thing?

In this end-to-end job search coaching program, you will:

  • Identify and find your dream job

  • Stand out as an applicant

  • Network confidently

  • Ace your interviews

  • Negotiate your way to an amazing offer

Hi! I’m Kim!

I’m here you coach you through every step of your job search.

With over 15 years of leadership experience in the tech industry, I've gained extensive insights into the hiring process. Having reviewed countless resumes, conducted hundreds of interviews, and hired over one hundred exceptional employees, I possess a deep understanding of what recruiters, hiring managers, and interviewers truly seek.

My expertise lies in helping individuals like you stand out as a candidate and make a lasting impression throughout the interview process, ultimately securing a job that you will love.

Job Search Program Overview

Session 1: Find what you’re looking for (90 minutes)

  • Determine your next step by clarifying your long-term professional goals

  • Envision your ideal job and articulate the key components

  • Pinpoint your minimum requirements and work preferences

  • Diversify your job search strategy beyond traditional job boards

  • Learn techniques for finding hidden job opportunities

Session 2: Get noticed (90 minutes)

  • Identify and showcase your unique skills, experiences, and achievements

  • Optimize your Resume and LinkedIn Profile

  • Customize your marketing material for each application

  • Lean on your network for job leads and referrals

  • Secure an interview with a five-point approach to each opportunity

Session 3: Ace your interviews (90 minutes)

  • Develop a succinct and effective elevator pitch to open your interview

  • Craft engaging stories to highlight your skills and accomplishments

  • Learn a response framework for tackling any interview question

  • Prepare answers for the interview questions you’re dreading most

Session 4: Mock interview (60 minutes)

  • Navigate through customized questions for your target role and past experience

  • Receive a recording of your mock interview so you can self-assess

  • Get feedback on your interview performance

Up to 3 Negotiation Mini-Sessions (20 minutes each)

  • Each time you get a job offer, receive in-the-moment support to craft your counter

  • Know your worth, communicate your value, and justify your desired salary and benefits

  • I’m here to walk you through your negotiation step-by-step

Customizable Bonus Session (60 minutes)

  • Need to spend more time on a specific area? Not a problem.

  • Want to set up a 30-60-90 day plan for success in your new role? Let’s do it.

  • Or, keep it in the bank for the next time you hit a career-related challenge.

Everyone’s job search journey is different.

The Opportunity Job Search Program was designed with a structured, yet flexible approach that caters to your individual needs and preferences.

Your success is the top priority. Together, we’ll navigate the program at your own pace, ensuring you receive the tailored guidance and support you need to land the job you’re looking for.

The Opportunity Job Search Program includes:

  • Three 90-minute job search coaching sessions, meeting you where you are in your job search

  • 60-minute mock interview session, with curated questions based on your target role, industry, and past experience

  • Bonus 60-minute session, to be used now or whenever you need it

  • In-the-moment Negotiation Support for each offer you receive, ensuring that you claim everything that’s on the table and never settle for less than you’re worth

  • LinkedIn Profile critique with easily actionable suggestions to get noticed by recruiters

  • Unlimited Resume reviews, ensuring that each version effectively communicates, “I am the ideal candidate for this specific job”

  • Worksheets, Tip Sheets, Checklists, Templates, and ChatGPT Prompts to assist you through each phase of the interview process

  • Email support to answer questions between sessions until you land your job

Program Cost:


Want to learn more about the Job Search Program?

Book a free consultation to learn how I can help you land a job you’ll love.